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Shipping and delivery

Do you Ship internationally?


How does Shipping and delivery work?

After you make your order, we will pack it in the most minimalistic way, in our compostable satchel, without any plastic or not neccesary add on. No pouch, no cardboard box, just your beatiful ropes in a compostable mailer :D.

We might take up to 1 week to ship your order, as they are all hand stitched in the end and we don't have all the models ready all the time.

Domestic Shipping
We use sendle as is the most convenient and sustainable option on the market, they also have their own compostable satchels with even better rates :D.

International Shipping
We use sendle for Standard shipping worldwide, which takes between 13 and 25 business days.

For express shipping, we use DHL and the transit time is 3 to 5 business days.

How much do I pay for shipping?

Free Shipping

Free shipping over AUD 300

Standard (Sendle)
0.5 kgs and under
1 kg and under
1.5 kgs and under
2 kgs and under
2.5 kgs and under
3 kgs
4 kgs
5 kgs
6 kgs

Express (DHL)

0.5 kgs and under
1 kg and under
1.5 kgs and under
2 kgs and under
2.5 kgs and under
3 kgs
4 kgs
5 kgs
6 kgs

How do I track my order?

We will send you a shipping confirmation email which will have a Track Order button.

Help, I think my order is lost/hasn't been delivered

Can I change my shipping address?

Yes, if we haven't shipped yet, please let us know

Product Questions

Size Guide

Our awesome ropes are 245 cms between handles. To select the length of your rope, step on the middle of it with one foot, and have both handles reach as high as possible. You can use the rope any length you like, the standard measurements would be to have the handles reach anywhere between your armpits and hips, depending on your preference.

What are these ropes made of?

Do you offer wholesale or bulk purchase discounts?

Can I send a beautiful rope as a gift?

Hell yeah!

I can't add a product to my card

:( It is most likely to be sold out, please choose your second favorite model, or give us a couple of weeks to restock your favorite one :D.